Initial Teacher Training

Religious Education

Archbishop of York Youth Trust KS1 Young Leaders Award.

Last academic year (2019-2020) the children in Y1 completed four units entitled Kindness, Action, Perseverance and Teamwork set by the Archbishop of York Youth Trust. These are some of attributes or characteristics they needed to show to be a leader. They had different activities to complete and found out about famous leaders both in the world and in the Bible. Y1 children even completed things during lockdown. The award for KS2 and above has been running for a few years now but the KS1 award is new. We are one of the first schools to have achieved this which is brilliant news. Well done to Mrs Wilson and last years Y1 who all received certificates which we posted to their homes. To read about it from the ABOYYT website please click on the link below. The current Y1 children have already embarked on their Young Leaders journey.

RE Progression Christianity Islam and Hinduism
RE Action plan 20 21
ESH RE policy 2019 2020
RE Long Term Plan 2018 cycle 2020a
Statement of Intent RE 1