At Esh Church of England (Aided) Primary School we consult and liaise with a wide range of agencies and partnerships to ensure the pastoral , medical and social needs of our children are catered for.
At Esh Church of England (Aided) Primary School your child’s needs will be met within the class supported by high quality teaching including differentiated planning which takes account of the needs of each child. In addition to this, your child may benefit from:
- Regular reviews of his/her progress
- Some children with complex needs will be reviewed using a School Based Plan created in liaison with the SENCo, class teacher and parents setting targets. This will be reviewed regularly through the year to ensure that targets remain appropriate
- When necessary, a personalised programme of learning which will be implemented and monitored
- When necessary, and with your permission, the school will seek support from external agencies
- The governing body is responsible for ensuring that funding is appropriately utilised – there is a designated SEN governor who liaises with the SENCO.
If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.