Initial Teacher Training


Governing Body

In January 2021, Melrose Learning Trust was formed. As a result, the governance structure of Esh CE Primary School changed, with some members of our previous governing body becoming directors on the MAT board and some remaining to form a new Local Governing Body.

Information about Melrose Learning Trust, including details of the members and directors, is available using the following link:

We have very active school governors with an excellent skills-set who work closely with the headteacher and school staff. Governors ask questions, gather information, act as critical friends and help to make decisions about our school.

Our Chair of Governors:
Mr Gareth Ayre
C/O Esh CE Primary School, Esh Village, Durham, DH7 9QR

Esh CE Primary School Governing Body
Mr Gareth Ayre- Chair of Governors
Reverend Michael Peers- Vice Chair
Mr Andrew Park- Headteacher
Mrs Mary Barella
Mrs Alison Hiles
Mrs Jo Coxon
Mrs Alison James
Mr David Mordue

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Esh CE Primary School Local Governing Body Information and Attendance 22 23
Esh CE Primary School Local Governing Body Business Interests 22 23