The Pupil Premium is additional funding given to schools so that they can support particular groups of pupils who are known to be at risk of underachievement and to close the attainment gap between them and their peers. The Pupil Premium is allocated to schools for pupils, in Years Reception to 11, who are known to be eligible for free school meals (FSM) or who have been eligible for FSM in the past six years (Ever 6). Pupil Premium is also allocated for children who have been looked after by the local authority (CLA) continuously for more than six months.
For the financial year 2024/25 the Pupil Premium has been set at £1,480 per pupil.
A premium (£340) is also paid for children whose parents are currently in the Armed Forces or anyone who was eligible for the premium since the January 2017 census.
More information about the Pupil Premium is available on the Department for Education

Our School
Esh Church of England Primary School is a small rural school with four classes. Currently, we have 88 children on roll (as of September 2024) not including nursery.
- In the financial year 2024/2025- the school will receive £25, 970
Pupil Premium is not just used for individual support. It is an enabler not only for individual progress but for broader activities ensuring class integration and promotion of community culture within school. Our Pupil Premium Strategy can be downloaded below.
Mr Park (Headteacher) and Jo Coxon (Pupil Premium Governor)